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21st Birthday Recap

I can't believe it's been over a week since my birthday! It's like you look forward to it for sooooo long and then poof, it's gone. It's madness I tell you! Anyways, I thought I'd recap what I did for my 21st birthday. And I'm just forwarning you it's incredibly boring. #GrandmaStatus. 

So on the morning of my birthday I ate a cupcake because calories don't count on your birthday and why not eat a cupcake for breakfast? I also bought myself some gorgeous flowers from Trader Joe's so I sat in bed with my cupcake, flowers and coffee while scrolling through Instagram. It was pretty nice. 

After I finished eating my parents and Alex got me a card and Jack (my cat) got me balloons and a card too. And no my cat didn't actually get me balloons and a card my dad did and signed it from him. Haha! It was cute and I loved it. Fun fact about me is that I collect cards. I've collected birthday cards, holiday cards, invitations, etc., ever since I was like 5 years old. I have a shoebox filled with cards. I love to go through them every now and again and relive my old birthdays. Cause I'm sentimental like that. Lol. 

We were meeting my grandparents for lunch at the Legend's so we all started getting ready. We all met up and had a delicious lunch at a local steakhouse. It was super yummy and I don't think I'd ever eaten that much ever. 

Since I was turning 21 I could finally go into a casino, and it just so happened that there was one close by, so me and my mom went over to try our hand at winning some money, while my dad and brother visited with the grandparents.

We got our money cards and started in on the slots. We stuck to playing quarter and penny ones. It's fun/frustrating: fun when you win but frustrating when you don't. We stayed there for about an hour or so, walking around checking out the different machines and card tables. I've always loved casinos, the whole James Bond, 1940s/50s, dressed to the nines, gambling in Monte Carlo ideal. I really want to find one like that go to it for a night. How fun would that be?! 

We didn't win anything, but we also didn't lose anything either, so that was a good thing! I wanted to stop by TJ Maxx (there was one right by) so we swung through really quick. While there I found the most gorgeous bag and knew it was my birthday splurge. #TreatYoSelf 

But like really how gorgeous is she?! I'm obsessed. It's a dupe for the Prada double zip one. It's just such a classic bag and I'm kinda in love. 

After my shopping we met back up with the rest of the fam and visited for awhile, then headed back home. 

I did have a celebratory drink but like at 7pm that night...at home in my bed....Haha!  I had a Golden Sunset. It's Malibu coconut rum, Tropicana tropical juice and cream of coconut. It's sooo good! It's the perfect beach vacay drink. 

My mom and I went to dinner a few nights ago and I ordered my first drink then. We went to Barley Brewhaus, which is like a bar and grille. I had the Forever Summer which had mandarin vodka, cranberry juice and pineapple juice. 

It was really good and I love sitting at the bar because you can strike up a convo with the bartender and really learn more about drinks and such. 

Overall it was a pretty relaxed birthday, nothing too wild and crazy. It was a great one and made even better thanks to all of your sweet comments and happy birthday wishes, so thank you! 

I'm excited for what this next year holds and can't wait to keep on celebrating! 

What did you do for your 21st birthday? Leave me a comment sharing! 

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"here's to you on your 21st birthday. hope your day is amazing and your night... well let's just hope you remember it tomorrow"

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