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Treasure Hunting: Williamsburg Antique Mall

So have any of you noticed a theme lately? My little antiquing hobby has exploded a little bit lately, partially because I work quite close to the sprawling Williamsburg Antique Mall. I keep going in with the intention of picking up interesting stuff for the wedding, but this time I just picked up interesting stuff, period.

I've been collecting silhouettes for a couple years now. My hope is that the next time I move, I'll have enough to do some kind of awesome silhouette wall in a bathroom or something. I had to scoop up these silhouettes of George and Martha Washington, which I think cost $8.

And on my way to the counter, I fell in love with this incredibly ornate jewelry box. I usually like super-simple stuff, but this was so gorgeous. It looked like the kind of box you'd keep a tiara in. It's velvet-lined and topped with glass. I have no idea what jewelry I'm going to keep in it, but I love it.

Sigh. I really have to cut off my addiction to treasure-hunting. Maybe I can form an addiction to money-saving?

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