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A Twist Too Far.

Dave came over earlier for the first game of 2019 here in GHQ, a large Spanish Civil War game using Rapid Fire rules, now this is a World War Two set and the Spanish Civil War is not World War Two, so unable to leave well alone I decided that to make the attack and defence a little less coordinated  we would dice for how many units we could give orders to each turn and we would add that number of Bolt Action dice to a bag and draw out to see which side could act. Added to this I also put two black dice in the bag, the first dice is a warning the second the turn will end, this lead to some very short turns, coupled with the fact that I forgot that infantry only move six inches cross country in Rapid Fire, the game quickly bogged down with there being little Dave could do to possibly take the town with the time we had available. However we persevered, deciding we would continue the game next time, by turn fourteen both the Republican T26 and Bilbao armoured car had been knocked out, so Dave decided that he would call off the attack.

First lesson of 2019, you can bugger about with things too much. Anyway some pics with narrative of the days action follow.
The Outskirts Of Rawnsla

A Passing Chato Strafes The Requettes

The Republican Shock Troops Advance Cautiously

Requettes Await The Republican Assault

La Legion Arrive To Give Support

The Assault Troops Break Cover To Engage Them

The Republicans Advance On The Right

La Legion Advance To Counter
The T26 And Bilbao Burn

The Attack Is Called Off

I will try to devise something a little better next time Dave.


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