Hey Beauties!
Summer is almost here and I can't wait. With summer many brands launch summer collections and Avon Glow is one of them. Today's review is fairly long with demonstrations and lots of photos, so you don't get bored. I found some really nice products, so scroll down.
Avon Glow Bronzing Multi Sticks - Glowing Nude and Blushing Coral
These two products got me really curious, because in the summer I kind of like cream products, especially for those really quick makeup looks. Like when you're on holiday and try to look presentable for breakfast, but don't actually want to wear full face of makeup. Bronzing sticks come in a bronzed plastic stick form. This collection has bronzed theme with gold writing.
Sticks have 4 grams of product and regular price is 12.90€. Currently they're on offer for 8.60€. I think this is definitely overpriced considering how much product is in there. Initially I thought these were as big as for example Kiko highlighter.
You can chose among two colors: Glowing Nude and Blushing Coral.
Let's make something clear here, I definitely wouldn't call these both bronzing sticks. Glowing Nude is red based bronzer shade with lots of small silver shimmer. It's actually a very natural looking sun kissed shade. Usually when we catch some sun, we get a bit burned and the skin looks redish and not immediately brown. I think this shade nicely mimics that natural first day tan and it actually looks really flattering.
Blushing Coral is a definite blush for me. The name is completely wrong, since this is a fuchsia pink shade with small amount of tiny silver shimmer. There is so little shimmer that it looks almost matte.
They are cream products in a stick form. Texture is very creamy, I would almost say buttery. It feels slightly greasy and goes on really smooth. It's pretty transparent and it still let's your skin show through. If you're looking for something super pigmented, like cream concealers, this is not it. It's really sheer. You can build it up or sheer it down. It also blends with ease.
It has a dewy shiny finish. This will definitely give you a very natural dewy glow to the skin.
The scent is pretty artificial, but not all that noticeable.
In spite of these products being creams, they actually last a long time on my skin. I would say 8 hours with no fading. If you sweat a lot or have really oily skin, I can't guarantee you that it will stay put for such a long time.
You can see how Glowing Nude gives my pale face some color and dimension. It looks like my skin, just slightly warmer and bronzed. The effect is very subtle and natural.
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Left: just BB cream, Right: Glowing Nude as a bronzer |
Blushing Coral I use only as a cream blush. Pink is not my usual blush color, but I actually like how transparent and natural this one looks. It gives instant life to your face, but doesn't look nearly as visible as most powder blushes. Again, really natural looking product.
Obviously, you can use these sticks for multiple parts of the face. I also tried it on my lips. On the photo above you can see how Blushing Coral looks like a natural my lips but better pink flush of color.
Glowing Nude gives a more bronzy mauve type of flush to the lips and it actually looks really nice paired with warm bronzed makeup. This is definitely more my kind of nude shade.
You can also use them on eyes, but for me they are too greasy and wouldn't last on my lids.
I was expecting really pigmented cream products, but it turns out this is for all you natural makeup lovers. Both sticks are creamy, apply with ease (I like to apply them with fingers or a makeup sponge), blend really well and look super natural. They're sheer and just give you a light flush of color. Both products are dewy and give you a nice natural glow. Dry skin lovers would adore this. If you have oily skin, I would stay away, since this can make you skin look even oilier.
Avon Glow Bronzing Pearls - Pink Bronze
I've seen my fellow bloggers gushing over this and I kind of agree with them. They are apparently Avon's best selling product. Pearls come in a bronzed plastic pot. You'll also get a foam protector on top of them to prevent crashing the pearls together.
Regular price of these is 13.70€ and in it is 22 grams of product.
I got the shade Pink Bronze. They also have Bronzed, Deepest Bronze and Face Pearls, which work as a highlighter. I've also seen new shades Radiant Glow, Warm Coral and Bronzed in this campaign, but I am not sure why there's so many of shades.
The name is again off and it's actually light peach shade. They look really light on my swatch, but actually look a bit darker on my skin. There's two colors of pearls. One are shimmery light peach and one are shimmery pastel peach based nude. Mixed together you get a shimmery light peach shade.
With a fluffy brush this applies really light and I almost use it as a three in one product: bronzer, blush and highlighter. Since I am pretty fair and warm toned this works on me as a light bronzer shade. If I apply it heavily, it looks like a warm peachy blush on my cheeks. It also has very small beige shimmer to it, which gives a really nice sheen and can easily replace your highlighter as well, since it's practically mixed with the blush. Shimmer gives a really nice satin sheen finish and doesn't look shimmery or glittery.
These also last on me the whole day, since most of powder product also last on me with no problems.
They have a subtle almost floral scent to them, which is quite pleasant to me.
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Left: BB cream and powder, Right: Bronzing Pearls in Pink Bronze as bronzer and blush |
I much prefer these over Face Pearls (highlighting), since these actually give nice warm peach shade to the face and actually work also as a bronzer on me. Shimmery particles give it nice natural sheen that gives you really pretty glow. This would probably look even better over medium skin tones or when I get some tan.
Avon Glow Kajalsticks - Warm Sand, Silver Pearl, Pacific Blue
I already own a few of Avon eye pencils and love them all. I like them, because most of them are really soft and I hate hard pencils.
These two sided pencils were designed to compliment your tan with colorful side and to add definition with black side. Each pencil has regular black on one side and colorful shade on other side.
They also have the same bronzed design. Caps are transparent. In each is 0.94 grams of product and the regular price is 6.50€. Now they're on offer for 3.50€.
Warm Sand: shimmery peachy nude with matte black
Silver Pearl: shimmery silver with matte black
Pacific Blue: sea blue with matte black
Both sides and all colors are really creamy, but not as much as for example Supershock pencils, which are actually like gels. They glide on with ease and don't tuck your lids.
With one swipe you get a sheerer application, but with two or three swipes you get fully pigmented swatch. Colored sides look almost metallic and blue has visible small silver shimmer. Black is matte.
You need to use brush with black, if you want super precise application, like thinned out wing. They are great for smudging and creating smoky looks.
Only downside is that I seem to sharpen them a lot, since I always want a really precise tip.
They last on my lids whole day. If you have hooded eyes and get greasy, this will transfer on top lid. Just saying, because it happened to me while I was running errands on a hot day.
Warm Sand
This is my absolute favorite combination. I use peachy nude in the inner corners as a highlight and it really brightens them up. You can also use it on the bottom to create that Asian highlighted look. This would look good on pretty much everyone.
Silver Pearl
This metallic silver shade really brings out the eyes. It clashes with my warm tone, but would look absolutely amazing paired with blue eyes.
Pacific Blue
I rarely like blues, but for some reason, I found quite a few blue liners this year that I really like. This is my second favorite shade. It really looks like a sea blue and it gives eyes color and it instantly reminds me of holidays and summer. I think the blue is a mix of cool and warm tone and would look good on both skin tones.
These colors would definitely pop out against tanned skin and they are the easiest way to add some color while your on holiday or sporting that lovely tan at home. Even if you're not tanned, these really are amazing creamy pigmented eye pencils that will look good paired with many different eye looks. I love the formula and the shades. Avon eye pencils are again one of my favorite Avon products. The only negative thing with these is that they will transfer on the upped lid, if you have oily lids.
Avon Glow collection is a nice range of products for that effortless summery makeup look. Bronzing sticks are perfect to take on holidays for natural looking glowy skin, while bronzing pearls will enhance the tan and give you a bit more glowy evening look. Kajalsticks are great for giving some color to your eyes or enhancing that lovely tan. Either way, all of these products can be worn on holiday, at home or if you can't catch a break, in the office.
*Products were sent to me.
Poletje je že skoraj tu in jaz komaj čakam. Številne znamke za poletje pripravijo nove kolekcije in Avon Glow je ena izmed teh. Današnja ocena je sicer precej dolga, vendar imam veliko prikazov in fotografij, da se ne boste dolgočasili. Našla sem nekaj zanimivih izdelkov.
Avon Glow Bronzer Multi Stick – Glowing Nude in Blushing Coral
Ta dva izdelka sta v meni takoj prebudila zanimanje, ker poleti rada uporabljam kremne izdelke, sloh za kakšne hitre makeupe. Na primer kot takrat, ko sem na morju in želim priti na zajtrk dokaj urejena, hkrati pa nočem imeti cel obraz namazan s tonami ličil. Bronzing stika prideta v rjavi plastični embalaži. Celotna kolekcija ima bronzast izgled z zlato pisavo.
V vsakem stiku je 4 grame izdelka in redna cena je 12.90€. Trenutno jih lahko dobite za 8.60€. Cena se mi zdi pretirana glede na to koliko izdelka je v embalaži. Najprej sem mislila, da so ti stiki večji kot npr. Kiko osvetljevalec.
Izbirate lahko med dvema odtenkoma: Glowing Nude in Blushing Coral.
Pa da najprej razčistimo, zame oba definitivnonista bronzerja. Glowing Nude je bronzer odtenek, ki ima očiten rdečkast podton in veliko majhnih srebrnih bleščic. Je precej naraven odtenek, ki izgleda kot bi te dejansko poljubilo sonce. Po navadi smo ob prvem dnevu sončenja rahlo rdečkasti in meni se zdi, da ta odtenek dobro odraža to naravno zagorelost in izgleda precej naravno.
Blushing Coral je zame definitivno rdečilo za lica. Ime je popolnoma napačno saj gre za fuksijo roza odtenek z majhnimi delčki sivih bleščic. Teh je tako malo, da izgleda skoraj mat.
Oba izdelka sta kremna v obliki stika. Tekstura je zelo kremasta, skoraj maslena. Na kožo se nanašata z lahkoto. Sta precej transparentna in koža se bo še vedno videla skozi izdelek. Če iščete kaj izredno pigmentiranega, kot na primer kremne korektorje, potem to zagotovo ni za vas. Je res precej transparentno. Lahko jih nanesete narahlo ali pa jih nadgradite. Zabrisujejo se z lahkoto.
Finiš je precej sijoč in naraven.
Vonj je tak umeten, čeprav ni moteč.
Čeprav sta oba izdelka kremna, na meni ostaneta precej dolgo. Rekla bom, da sta po 8-ih urah še vedno nedotaknjena. Če se veliko potite ali imate naravno bolj mastno kožo, ne morem trditi, da bo obstojnost enaka.
Glowing Nude mojemu svetlemu obrazu doda nekaj barve in dimenzije. Izgleda kot moja koža, samo rahlo bolj zagorela in topla. Efekt je res subtilen in naraven.
Blushing Coral uporabljam samo kot rdečilo za lica. Roza po navadi ni moj odtenek rdečila, vendar je ta tako transparenten in izgleda zelo naravno. Takoj doda celotnemu izgledu malo življenja in izgleda veliko bolj naravno kot rdečila v prahu.
Seveda lahko ta izdelka uporabljate za več delov obraza. Jaz sem ju preizkusila tudi na ustnicah. Blushing Coral izgleda kot naraven a bolj roza odtenek moj ustnic.
Glowing Nude doda bolj bronzasto vijoličast sijaj in izgleda zelo lepo kombiniran z bronzerjem. To je vsekakor bolj moj nude odtenek.
Lahko jih uporabljate tudi na očeh. Sama tega nisem storila, ker imam preveč mastne veke.
Pričakovala sem zelo pigmentirane kremne izdelke, ki pa so se izkazali bolj primerni za vse, ki prisegate na naravni izgled. Oba stik se nanašata z lahkoto (jaz ju nanašam s prsti ali makeup gobico), dobro zabrisujeta in izgledata izredno naravno. Sta precej prozorna in dodata samo rahlo barvo. Izgled je precej naraven in sijoč. Vsi, ki imate suho kožo boste zagotovo vzljubili ta izdelka. Če pa imate mastno, ju ne bi priporočala, saj lahko vaša koža izgleda še bolj sijoče in mastno.
Avon Glow Bronzing Pearls – Pink Bronze
Moje soblogerke so že hvalile ta izdelek in jaz se strinjam z njimi. Te perlice naj bi bile en najbolj prodajanih Avonovih izdelkov. Perlice imajo rjavo plastično posodo. Zraven dobite tudi gobico, ki perlice med potovanjem zaščiti.
Redna cena je 13.70€ in v embalaži je 22 gramov izdelka.
Dobila sem odtenek Pink bronze. Imajo tudi Bronzed, Deepest Bronze in Face Pearls, ki so bolj kot osvetljevalec. V tem katalogu sem videla tudi odtenke Radiant Glow, Warm Coral in Bronzed. Ni mi jasno zakaj imajo toliko različnih odtenkov.
Ime je zopet popolnoma napačno, saj so perlice v svetlo mareličnem odtenku. Izgledajo svetlejše na roki, kot na mojem obrazu. Perlice so v dveh barvah. Ena je sijoča svetlo marelična barva, druga pa sijoča pastelno nevtralna barva. Ko ju zmešam skupaj dobim svetlikajočo rahlo mareličen odtenek.
Če jih nanesem z mehkim čopičem, je nanos precej lahek in transparenten. Uporabljam jih kar tri v enem: kot bronzer, rdečilo za lica in osvetljevalec. Ker sem precej svetla in imam topel podton jih lahko uporabim kot rahel bronzer. Če jih nanesem večkrat dobim bolj mareličast odtenek, ki ga uporabim kot rdečilo za lica. Ker je svetlikajoče, pa lahko pozabim na osvetljevalec, saj kožo tudi malo posvetli in ji da sijaj.
Tudi te perlice na meni zdržijo ves dan, kot vsi drugi izdelki v prahu.
Imajo rahel cvetličen vonj, ki je meni kar prijeten.
Te perlice so mi vsekakor ljubše kot Face Pearls, saj te dajo obrazu malo barve in na meni delujejo celo kot bronzer. Svetlikajoči delci dajo čudovit naraven sijaj. Verjetno bi izgledale še lepše na srednji polti ali takrat, ko bom malo porjavela.
Avon Glow dvostranski kajal svinčnik – Warm Sand, Silver Pearl, Pacific Blue
Imam že kar nekaj Avonovih svinčnikov za oči in vsi so mi všeč. Predvsem zato ker so mehki, saj ne maram trdih svinčnikov.
Gre za dvostranske svinčnike, ki naj bi z barvnim odtenkom poudarili zagorelo polt, z črnim pa definirali oči. Vsak svinčnik ima na eni strani črn odtenek na drugi pa barven.
Tudi ti so rjavkastega dizajna. Pokrovčki so prozorni. V vsakem je 0.94 grame izdelka in redna cena je 6.50€. Trenutno jih lahko odbite za 3.50€.
Warm Sand: svetlikajoča marelično nevtralna in mat črna
Silver Pearl: svetlikajoča siva in mat črna
Pacific Blue: morsko modra in mat črna
Obe strani sta zelo kremni, ampak ne tako kot na primer Supershock svinčniki, ki so že bolj kot gel. Nanašajo se z lahkoto.
Z enim nanosom dobite bolj prozorno sled, z dvema ali tremi pa popolnoma pigmentiran nanos. Barvni odtenki izgledajo skoraj kovinsko in modra ima precej vidne srebrne bleščice. Črna je mar.
Če hočete izredno natančen nanos, potem boste potrebovali čopič. So odlični za zabrisovanje in ustvarjanje zadimljenih izgledov.
Na meni ostanejo cel dan. Če imate povešene veke in mastne, potem se lahko odtisnejo na zgornjo veko. Meni se je to zgodilo na vroč dan, ko sem hodila po opravkih.
Warm Sand
To je moja najljubša kombinacija. Marelično nevtralen odtenek uporabljam za posvetlitev notranjih kotičkov. Lahko ga uporabite tudi okrog spodnjih trepalnic za bolj azijski videz.
Silver Pearl
Ta kovinsko srebrni odtenek res poudari oči. Sicer se malo tepe z mojim toplim tonom, ampak bi izgledal čudovito na modrih očeh.
Pacific Blue
Redko kdaj so mi všeč modri odtenki. Letos pa sem našla kar nekaj modrih izdelkov za oči, ki so mi všeč. Ta odtenek res izgleda moder kot morje in očem doda barvo. Spomni me na počitnice in poletje. Je moj drugi najljubši odtenek. Modra mi deluje precej nevtralna in je primerna za topel in hladen ton kože.
Ti odtenki bi vsekakor poudarili zagorelost in so najenostavnejši način za dodajanja barve v vaše vsakodnevno ličenje. Tudi če niste zagoreli, bodo ti kremasti svinčniki izgledali čudovito z različnimi makeupi. Všeč mi je formula kot tudi odtenki. Avonovi svinčniki so eni mojih ljubših izdelkov od njih. Edina negativna stvar je, da se lahko odtisnejo na veke, sploh, če imate mastne.
Avon Glow kolekcija ima zanimiv nabor odtenkov za enostaven poletni videz. Kremasti stiki so perfektni za lahkoten makeup na počitnicah za res naraven izgled. Za močnejši makeup so primerne perlice, ki dajo naraven zagorel videt. Svinčniki pa bodo dodali barvo in definicijo. Če ste na počitnicah, doma ali v pisarni, vsepovsod vam bodo takšni izdelki zagotovo v korist odvisno od vaših preferenc.
Izdelke lahko kupite tukaj.
*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.
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