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Kate Middleton's Priceless Diamond Tiara Glittering Buckingham Palace

Kate Middleton's Priceless Diamond Tiara Glittering Buckingham Palace

Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Cambridge has always been on the good side of celebrity gossip mills, namely because of her elegant sense of dressing. Kate Middleton fashion statements involve classy, well-cut clothes and tailored suits with signature jewelry. 

Recently however it was the Duchess’s headpiece jewelry that made headlines and drew appreciation from fashion followers worldwide. Kate Middleton tiara was loaned to her by the Queen herself and it had originally belonged to Princess Margaret. The tiara was also loaned to Serena Stanhope during her wedding to Viscount Linley, Princess Margaret’s son. The Duchess of Cambridge wore the tiara to the annual Diplomatic Reception at the Buckingham Palace, an event thrown where the members of the Royal Family mingle with 172 foreign representatives and dignitaries. 

The Duchess arrived in a chauffeur-driven Bentley and had a distinctive swept hairstyle that showcased the glittering tiara atop her head. The tiara itself was a dazzling affair, constructed entirely out of floating diamond arches, studded with two large pearls at the base and a larger pearl at the center top. The last time the Duchess of Cambridge was spotted wearing a tiara with her ensemble, was during her wedding in 2011 during which she wore a classic Cartier “halo” tiara that had been made in 1936. 

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