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K is for Kigo

I love to write haiku, the 3-line verse that contains five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second and five syllables in the third. A form of Japanese verse, haiku usually do not rhyme-and they pop out of my mouth like a Pez Dispenser.

My haiku habit is the subject of jokes among family and friends. I always write a haiku about whatever gift I receive and include it in the thank-you card, for fun. I've published plenty of haiku on the internet as well, but recently stopped. I think my haiku are more fun to write than than they are to read.

Still, this one gets decent page views: 
 Leftover Chocolate Easter Bunny - a Haiku Trio

And some homeschooling parents picked up this haiku riddle sheet to use in lesson plans:
Can you Guess the Animals in the Haiku Zoo?

Okay, enough self promotion. What does haiku (obviously an H-word) have to do with kigo (my K-word post for the A-Z Blogging Challenge)?

As I pondered what to write today, I played around on some of my favorite research sites. Stumbling onto the word kigo, I dug a bit deeper.
According to the Literary Terms and Definitions website:
Kigo is a traditional 'season-word' in Japanese haiku. The kigo must appear within a haiku's text or be strongly implied by imagery. These words place the haiku within a specific month or season, establishing an atmosphere for the poem while maintaining brevity.
Color me excited. That's fantastic! I did not know about kigo until today.

As buds strain to bloom 
Consciousness grows to include 
Word discovery

This is why I love being a writer. Always researching and always learning. 

Happy writing! Don't forget to include a kigo in your next haiku!

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