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Monday Musings - oops

Apparently, when Blogger was down, the post I had scheduled for today got lost somewhere. Sigh!
Well, my Monday Musings will be short and sweet.

This was a great weekend. Sugartime sang on Saturday and we were interviewed for a story that will appear at the end of June. It was a bit distracting having a photographer take pics while we sang - and there were quite a few glitches with equipment, but all went reasonably well.

Friday night a close group of friends got together to celebrate an engagement of one of our closest friends. It was pure joy, although the prep for the meal was labor intensive, it was also a labor of love.

Sunday night we got to see the touring production of Grease. I'd seen the movie a bunch of times, but had not seen it live. The plot and dialogue leave a lot to be desired, but the singing and dancing were a blast.

This week I plan to make my way back into my novel. I am finding it harder and harder to face that blank page and it's because I'm too distracted to let myself go deep inside to the place where the writing comes from. I think it's time to clear large blocks of time just to sit and be and allow it to emerge. Wish me luck.

What are you musing about today?

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